We work closely with the Christchurch City Council to identify the specific locations of graffiti, rubbish, and other local issues. To do this we use an app called Snap, Send, Solve. In May 2021, the council received 1,724 reports of graffiti and removed 10,321 square metres of graffiti. Using the app, we can report a multitude of issues in under 30 seconds per report. The app automatically collects your location. All you need to do is select the report type and take a picture of it. Snap, Send, Solve handles everything else. Along with the Christchurch Council, organisations like Countdown, The Warehouse, Environment Canterbury, NZTA and others are on the app. This means issues such as abandoned trolleys, pollution, and roading can be reported too.
The app is simple to use and makes reporting a lot easier. It’s available for free on Android and Apple devices. Check out the Snap, Send, Solve website here for more information.