
Christchurch South Community Patrol is a registered incorporated society under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 and operates in accordance with the Act’s requirements.

The patrol meets monthly usually on the first Monday of each month. The meetings alternate between committee meetings and full patrol meetings. Full patrol meetings allow all members to play an active part in patrol decision-making and provide valuable opportunities to expand the knowledge and skills of patrollers.

An AGM is held each September, with a full election of officers every three years.

Christchurch South Community Patrol is affiliated with and responsible to Community Patrols of New Zealand [CPNZ]. The national body, situated in Police Headquarters, Wellington:

  • Establishes the policies and operating guidelines for patrols
  • Liaises with police, with whom there is a Memorandum of Understanding
  • Provides a training programme that all patrollers must complete
  • Provides financial and other support to individual patrols as required

Information on CPNZ can be found at their website,

Current Committee Membership

Patrol Leader: Ken Bye

Deputy Leader/Membership: David Scott

Secretary: Neroli Keating

Treasurer: Michael Fenton

Training: Marty Taylor

Health & Safety: Bruce Hall

Rosters/Statistics: Lindsay Ashton-Smith

Technology: Kelly Perazzolo

Public Relations: Sue Bye

Metro Base Radio: Josh Tabley

Website/Facebook: Rowan Burnby